"Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works..."
Hebrews 10:24
Developing connections and mentoring relationships is an essential part of health local church community.  Our monthly Ladies' Meetings, Men's Meetings, and fellowships for mothers with littles, and our college and career meetings are all ways that community is developed and discipleship takes place organically.
Prayer and mentoring are two essential elements to healthy church life, and bi-monthly men's meetings are one of the means through which we encourage our men to lead in these areas. These meetings provide regular opportunities for our younger and older men to connect with one another and pray together about pressing needs.

Ladies' Meetings
Discipleship and growth into Christlikeness are cultivated in the context of Christian community. Our monthly ladies meetings are one of the means through which we encourage our ladies to connect with one another and foster these mentoring relationships.
The local church is the primary place we grow as a disciple of Christ, and that part of that growth into Christlikeness comes through connecting with others who are in a similar season of life. Our church promotes regular opportunities for moms with small children, college and career singles, and young married couples to connect through regularly scheduled church fellowships. 
ABBI Classes
Adult Sunday School classes offer opportunities for studying books of the Bible, developing our understanding of basic Bible doctrines, and addressing foundational issues. ABBI has been designed to take that focus and expand it in a way that would make a typical Bible College course of studies accessible to the average church member free of charge.